React GeoJSON Map

Welcome to react-geojson-map, a library for declarative geospatial visualization using React Fiber and OpenLayers. It offers a robust solution for creating interactive and efficient map-based applications with React's component-based architecture.

Key Features

Note: This library is currently under development and not yet ready for production use.

Usage Example


import { GeoMap } from 'react-geojson-map';

function App() {
  return (
  <div style="width: 300px; height: 300px;">
    <GeoDataSource url="hello-world.geojson" />


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Why Use React Reconciler?

React GeoJSON Map leverages React Reconciler for superior performance and flexibility in geospatial visualization. This approach enables fine-grained control over rendering, custom logic aligned with OpenLayers, and a declarative API for map components. As a result, it offers efficient updates, smooth performance with large datasets, and an intuitive development experience.

By using React Reconciler, the library achieves efficient tree updates, better separation of concerns, and reduced overhead compared to React Context. This leads to more granular control over updates, cleaner code separation, and potentially fewer unnecessary re-renders. Consequently, React GeoJSON Map is ideal for building complex, interactive geospatial applications with enhanced performance and maintainability.